Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal #8

1. The first aphorism that I find interesting is “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” I think this is saying that you need to try many different things in life so when your time is up you have no regrets on how you lived your life. I like this personally because I think that you do need to try a lot of different activities in your life so you find what truly makes you happy. If you are not happy by the end of your life you will have many regrets and won’t be happy about the way you lived your life. Live it to the fullest because it’s the only one you get.

2. The second aphorism I found interesting is “We boil at different degrees.” This is saying that everybody has different tempers and tolerance levels. Some people will get mad after one joke and others will never get mad. This is personal to me because I believe that some people are more prone to get angry over certain things. We are born to tolerate different levels of discomfort and anger and some people do it better. This means never to assume that some is ok with a joke or hurtful response until you know them. Better yet just don’t say hurtful things and this will never have effect in your life.

3. The third and final aphorism that I found really interesting was “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.’ I think that this is saying that it doesn’t matter what is in the past or what lies ahead in the future as long as you are true to yourself you can and will succeed in life. This is personal to me because I think that everybody makes mistakes in life but not many people know how to forget about them. Part of growing as a person is to learn to forget about some of the mistakes you’ve made in the past and just know that you being yourself and the virtues and knowledge you have already about life will get you through rough times.

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