He didn’t know that this would be the last drive that he ever took. Jeff Franklin was a very wealthy man with a good life. He had brown hair, was relatively tall, and was always the partier. The one thing missing in his life was a wife to stand by him through thick and thin. Jeff was in a coffee shop one day checking on his stocks. A waitress came up to him and asked him “What are you gonna have today”. He said “The usual, Linda.” Linda was the owner of this coffee shop that was right across the road from his hilltop mansion in Washington. He goes there about once a day so Linda knows Jeff fairly well. She brought back one French Vanilla coffee and two glaze donuts. They were Jeff’s favorite. He thanked her and then went back to his reading. What Linda didn’t know was that Jeff secretly liked her but never really showed it. He always thought to himself if Linda was the right woman for him. Jeff got the check, payed, and then left the shop for the day. The next day was the same; he came in, got his usual, and then went his way. Each day thinking when it was going to be the day to ask Linda out. The next day he went to the shop and asked Linda if she would join him for dinner that night. She said “I would love to.” She, like all women, went home and talked to all of her friends and told them all about Jeff and that they were going to go out together that night. Jeff made reservations for the fanciest restaurant is town and put on his nicest clothes. Linda got all dressed up and did her hair, makeup, and put on her nicest shoes. Jeff went to Linda’s door to pick her up. Jeff, being the gentlemen he is, opened the door for Linda and they were on their way to the restaurant. While they were driving there wasn’t a silent awkward moment. They had so much in common that they talked the whole way there. They had a very nice dinner. They couldn’t believe how much chemistry they had together! Once they were finished dinner Jeff went ahead and asked Linda out for a second date. She of course said yes. Jeff paid and then they were off. While Jeff was driving he was distracted by the beauty that he saw in Linda. He couldn’t believe he had known her all of these years and didn’t think about asking her out sooner. Sadly, they didn’t make it home that night. Because Jeff was paying so close attention to Linda he didn’t notice the drunken man behind the wheel of another car heading rapidly towards him. The crash killed both of them instantly but when their bodies were found they were holding hands. You only need one day to find true love and realize that that was the person put on the earth for you. Unfortunately their time was cut short but I believe that they are somewhere together. Because every road comes to an end no matter who you are doesn’t mean the ride doesn’t have to be sad. Live everyday to the fullest like Jeff did and you will have no regrets.
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